8 Factors for an Effective Document Management System

Written by ComplianceBridge Policies & Procedures Team on February 4, 2011

Project Mobius writes on their blog 8 important factors any document management system should have:

  1. Establish an enterprise-wide approach
  2. Make process re-engineering part of the plan
  3. Identify champions among stakeholders in each department or functional group
  4. Plan for line-of-business extension and integration
  5. Encourage collaboration but control access
  6. Provide remote and mobile access
  7. Don’t forget to measure incremental process improvement and track ROI
  8. Develop a strategy with the flexibility to accommodate change by enabling integration with emerging technology

We completely agree with these 8, and feel that any organization that employs a document management system that does not employ all 8 of these steps is wasting resources on an inferior solution.

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