Powerful Policy Management Software from ComplianceBridge

Policy Management Software

ComplianceBridge's Policy Management Software delivers robust automation and workflow collaboration for your entire organization.

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Policy and Procedure Management is an Every Day Challenge for HR

ComplianceBridge helps HR professionals worldwide solve their compliance issues. Is this you?

  • You need to improve policy creation, review, collaboration, tracking, and revision management.

  • You need workflow automation tools to get policies approved by departments and stakeholders faster.

  • You need to communicate policy changes across your organization or require employee acknowledgement.

Customized Automation Bolsters Compliance

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    We Tailor Automation to You.  Workflows and comprehensive features are customized to your way of doing business.

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    Real-Time Dashboard Metrics. Review dashboard graphics to make data-driven, faster, and more informed decisions.

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    Simplify Policy Creation. Draft, collaborate, and approve processes on one central document in your own database.

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    Expand Collaboration with Customized Workflows. Develop a Workflow for one group, Save, Copy & Edit for a new group.

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Boost Operational & Resource Efficiency

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    Make Approval Quicker. Automate workflow triggers for real-time notifications on approvals/comments and send reminders.

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    Simplify Publication and Control Distribution. Automate publishing for individuals, groups and locations simultaneously.

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    Prove Acknowledgement & Attestation: Track & record read receipts, acknowledgments, and attestations for audit readiness.

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    Audit Proof Documentation. No event, user, or document is ever deleted in your own Document Management System (DMS).

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End-to-End Automation and Collaboration

  • A customizable and robust automation solution for managing the entire Policy Management Lifecycle.
  • Comprehensive features tailored to your processes helps collaboration and aproval management faster.
  • 1:1 dedicated support with your Client Success Manager, will help you confidently navigate the entire Policy Management Lifecycle.
  • Your get your own database with top-tier, multi-layered cyber security with penetration testing and daily backups on U.S. servers.
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Flexibility to Create, Import & Revise: Customize your policies to your unique needs and your brand. Experience how our robust functionality and feature set make managing policies easier.

  • Create or import your own policy templates
  • We’ll help you import and organize all of your policies
  • Import and use documents from Microsoft 365 and Google Docs
  • Convert Microsoft Word documents to rich HTML automatically
  • Organize policies into multi-leveled table of contents and site menus
  • Automatic link updates ensure the latest version of any policy or reference document
  • Link to internal and external policies and reference documents
  • Immutable data: we never delete documents, users or actions
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Simplify Collaboration with Adaptable Workflows: Customize collaboration with fully-adaptable workflows that include notifications of tasks and approvals to easily manage and track progress.

  • Create multiple fully-adaptable workflows that include notifications of tasks and approvals
  • Create, edit, duplicate and manage workflows tailored to any department, group or location
  • Automate who are reviewers, including editors, commenters, and approvers
  • Automate notifications, approvals, and distribution target settings for each workflow
  • When an approval stage approves a policy, it’s automatically sent to the reviewers in the next stage
  • Trigger role-based position notifications in your workflows
  • Manage automatic reminder notifications to advance approvals faster
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Accessible and Automated Policy Collaboration: Streamline document sharing, review, and approval of policies and other business documents. If an approval stage receives clearance, we'll automatically send the document to the next stage for stakeholder approval to ensure transparency.

  • Simplify sharing, review, and approval of policies and other business documents
  • Automate sending the document to the next stage for stakeholder review/approval
  • Review documents online with role-based reviewers
  • Sign-off on the policy for distribution
  • Leave contextual comments on the document
  • Automated notifications help you monitor collaboration in real-time
  • Escalate comments to supervisors for additional feedback
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Accelerate Policy Approvals with Enhanced Feedback: Speed up policy management with customizable approval triggers: all approvers, first approvers, or admin overrides. Receive notifications on decisions and comments when 1) all approvers approve the document, 2) when the first approver approves the document, or 3) when an approver is bypassed by an administrator.

  • Increase the speed of document or policy management by determining the triggers for policy approval
  • Automate notifications when approvers make decisions or comments
  • Get real-time notifications on approval decisions or comments
  • Determine reminder alerts when assigning tasks or documents
  • Users always see the most up-to-date version
  • Compare versions side-by-side to spot the differences
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Control Publishing and Distribution: Easily set multiple automated controls when publishing policies from a centralized document management system (DMS) to create efficient dissemination and ensure compliance across your organization.

  • Create and manage multiple distribution groups, departments, and locatoions for policy dissemination
  • Disseminate policies to one or many distribution groups at the same time
  • Within distribution groups, you can target sub-groups, an individual, and selected roles-based positions to receive notifications
  • Manage notification schedules within distribution groups when policies are published or updated
  • Schedule automatic policy revision options designed to keep the approval process moving
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Verify Receipt, Acknowledgement, or Test Understanding: Provide proof of your organization's due diligence by ensuring policies are acknowledged and/or understood. Automatic reminders accelerate your response time and increase compliance ratings for audits.

  • Track status of acknowledgments and attestation completions in real-time
  • Automate reminders to accelerate response time
  • At anytime create tests to gauge policy comprehension
  • Your tests can use multiple choice, open-ended text responses, true/false and yes/no
  • All records are stored of who has read, tested, and acknowledged documents
  • Include reference links in your policies to increase comprehension
  • Send additional reference and follow-up materials anytime
  • Immutable data: no system event or document is ever deleted
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Put Policy Follow-up and Renewal on Auto-Pilot: Automation reduces administrative burden and enhances policy adherence. You can automate reminders, acknowledgment notifications, and policy review updates, ensuring policies are never overlooked and remain current.

  • Set automated reminders, acknowledgment notifications, and policy review updates
  • Stay updated with automated notifications when new tasks or documents are assigned
  • Determine preset alerts for reminders and escalations to supervisors
  • Use proactive alerts with automatic review and expiration dates
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Monitor Your Performance and Export Your Results: Proof of due diligence comes by tracking policy compliance and generating comprehensive reports for analysis. Our dashboard lets you access performance data and make informed decisions to enhance policy management and overall compliance. View segmented graphic displays from your dashboard. Export results to use in reports or for further analysis in other applications.

  • Access a variety of reports in your dashboard and see results in real-time
  • Dashboard displays real-time statistics on viewed policies, tested or acknowledged
  • Within your own database, see a log of all system-events and most recent activity
  • Create and export customizable report data models
  • Data on demand to write, run, and schedule automated reports
  • Use multiple variables to create reports and view results
  • Your own seperate database, Document Management System (DMS) stores all business documents
  • Search all DMS content with keywords and phrases
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Comprehensive Policy Software: Quick To Learn. Easy To Administrate.

Dashboard Metrics & Reporting

View real-time dashboard metrics to make faster, more informed decisions. Export results to use in reports or for further analysis in your reports using other applications.

Adaptable Intelligent Workflows

Develop a Workflow for one group, Save, Copy, and Create a different workflow tailored to individuals, multiple departments, groups, divisions, or locations.

Control Targeted Distribution

Create and manage multiple distribution groups for your various departments, divisions, and locations for policy dissemination, and send multiple groups simultaneously.

Microsoft 365 & Google Integrations

Import, create, collaborate, red line, edit, and get approval decisions on one central document through our integrated Microsoft 365, Google Docs, PDF, and HTML Editor.

Automatic Review Reminders

Use alerts for reminders, automatic review, expiration dates, and reminder notifications to ensure policies remain current and move the updating process along.

Audit Proof of Due Diligence

Track every change, approval, and read receipt within your policy documents. You are always audit ready to demonstrate compliance to stakeholders and auditors.