Policy Management for Retail Chains

Written by ComplianceBridge Policies & Procedures Team on February 10, 2015

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The Facts
Your company likely has dozens (or hundreds) of policies and procedures. You have thousands of employee’s. Your policies and procedures are designed to ensure that your workforce is informed of proper job duties, job risks, legal issues, regulations- really anything you want to impart to your end-users.

The Challenge
Some challenges your organization likely faces is:

  1. Keeping all of company policies and procedures centralized, in a consistent format, and easily searchable for end users.
  2. Maintaining a schedule to revise, update, and gather review and approvals of P&P’s as they need to be updated and kept current.
  3. Delivering your P&P’s to employees, by store or department, so employees only receive content meant for them.
  4. Recording and managing all employee action on documents; tracking which employees have read, passed a test (optional), and signed off on them.

The Risk
Your company headquarters spends a significant amount of time creating policies and procedures. You may be attempting to make your employees more efficient by delivering job duties. You may be imparting a tone from the top, to implant your wisdom and best business practices into every corner of the organization. You are likely interested in protecting your company from legal risks, which arise when you cannot prove your employees have been delivered and instructed on key company policy.

In fact, in recent years, some large retail companies faced some high level regulations:

      • Rite Aid was forced to pay a $1 million settlement as its employees violated HIPAA requirements by improperly disposing sensitive customer information. Rite Aid had policies and procedures outlining the proper practice, but did not have a mechanism to properly distribute and report on the results.
      • Wal-Mart paid an $81 million settlement, enforced by the EPA, as its employees were improperly disposing hazardous waste. Wal-Mart had policies and procedures in place for these practices, but were never properly distributed to employees, who in turn never got trained.

The Solution
ComplianceBridge™ from ComplianceBridge offers a soup-to-nuts policy and procedure management software. With ComplianceBridge implemented, your company will benefit:

      • Increase efficiency, as all employees are delivered and prompted to take action on all policies and procedures. They are easily searchable and categorized in case an employee needs to retrieve existing policy
      • Become protected against liability risks and lawsuits. Proving your employees have been notified of regulations, best practices, and trained on company policy, would have saved Rite Aid and Wal-Mart expensive lawsuits, and could save you as well
      • Become more responsive to management. Tone from the top can be imparted through properly managed policies and procedures to touch every facet of the organization.
      • Never lose policies, have them go out of date, be impossible to search, or become ineffective or impossible to update.

The Action
Protect your organization from legal risk. Increase your employee efficiency. Implant the best practices in policy and procedure management today.

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