New Webinar: ‘How to Manage Your Risk Assessments and Audits Online’

Written by Risk Management Team on June 19, 2015

ComplianceBridge is pleased to announce it will be holding a Webinar: “How to Manage Your Risk Assessments and Audits Online’ on Wendesday, June 24th, at 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST.

In this webinar, attendees will learn:

  1. Key benefits to managing Risk Assessments and Audits Surveys on an online tool
  2. The features needed to properly conduct Risk Assessments and Audits online.
  3. How to view and manage Risk Assessment and Audit results in real time.
  4. Our vision on the future of Risk Assessment and Audit Survey management.
  5. A walkthrough of the ComplianceBridge™ Risk, Audits, and Assessment Management Tool.

The webinar will be broken up into two sections:

The first section will discuss challenges organizations face while conducting Risk Assessments and Audits, necessary features to manage them online, and key benefits of managing them online via a software solution. Current challenges that compliance officers or auditors face will be discussed, as well as our vision for the future of conducting Risk Assessments and Audit Surveys.

The second part of the webinar will include a demo of the brand new ComplianceBridge ComplianceBridge Risk, Audits, and Assessments Management Software Solution. The software will walk attendees through the process of managing an organizational structure and points of contact, creating robust and dynamic risk assessments questionnaires or audit surveys, publishing risk assessments or audit surveys to points of contact, answering and responding to the risk assessment or audit survey, and finally viewing real-time reports and dashboards to provide instant knowledge and feedback for the organization.

Presenter: Nathan Perumal

Vice President, Compliance & Risk Management Services, ComplianceBridge Corp.
Nathan has 25+ years of healthcare and insurance industry experience ( Berkshire Hathaway, Kaiser Permanente, Muir Medical Group IPA). His career focus is in management consulting, development and implementation of ethics and compliance, privacy, information security, and strategic business programs

Hosted by ComplianceBridge

ComplianceBridge is the maker of ComplianceBridge Risk, Audit, and Assessment Management solution; a simple, intuitive, and powerful new tool designed to help you proactively conduct risk assessments and audits that identify, assess and manage risks. The solution’s ease of use, integration, customization, and scalability is designed to address the needs for large and small organizations. ComplianceBridge provides you with powerful real-time monitoring and dashboards to help you prioritize mitigate and manage compliance, assessments, and risks.

ComplianceBridge also has a Policy & Procedure Management Software, which enables users to manage, track, and report on any policies, procedures, and other business critical documents or information. Back-end workflow is controlled through the software’s document creation, edit, collaboration, review/approval, publish, and revision features. Notifications prompt end users to read, take a test or questionnaire, or sign off on documents published to them. Email reminders and alerts can be configured for users who have yet to take action on documents or for documents that need revision. All current and historical metrics are easily reported and monitored.

Watch a 2 Minute Demo of ComplianceBridge

Find out more about ComplianceBridge’s Policy & Procedure Software, as well as its Risk Management Software by watching a two-minute demo.

Watch Demo Now