New Features: Microsoft 365 Integration & DocConverter
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New Features: Microsoft 365 Integration & DocConverter

Written by ComplianceBridge Policies & Procedures Team on June 25, 2020

Policy management systems do a lot of things well. Formatting policies is not usually one of them. Thanks to a few groundbreaking ComplianceBridge features, ComplianceBridge is proud to lead the way, offering a versatile system that makes the process of editing and reformatting documents easy for every type of user. Whether you’re more comfortable with the advanced linking capabilities of HTML or the ease and simplicity of Microsoft Office, we’ve got your covered.

First, allow us to introduce the Microsoft 365 integration.

With this new integration, users now have access to the ease-of-use and familiarity of creating and editing in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other Microsoft products without the administrative overhead of uploading and downloading Microsoft documents in order to edit them. Publishing Microsoft documents for end-users to view is a straightforward process. There is no need to create a PDF version of the document. All Microsoft documents will be opened with the view-only free version of their applications. Any changes made to Microsoft documents inside of ComplianceBridge will be automatically tracked and saved. The collaborative creation of policies and procedures will be seamless, using a product familiar to everybody.

For users that prefer the advantages of working in HTML, the DocConverter integration provides the ability to easily convert from Word to HTML with a simple selection during the revision process. With a single command, easily convert Word documents to HTML and populate the online editor with the converted, ready-to-edit file.

Inside of ComplianceBridge, utilizing HTML allows you to fully realize the benefits of advanced linking capabilities, including auto-updates when linked documents are modified. Tracked changes are also shown, including the users who made the changes.

These two enhancements to our system revolutionize how our users are creating, uploading and sharing policies and procedures. ComplianceBridge now has the best editing and formatting in the industry by offering the use of either Office or HTML capabilities in a seamless fashion! ComplianceBridge has mastered policy management for you, and we welcome you to see it for yourself. Schedule a demo with us today!

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