Why Knowing How to Create Policies and Procedures Benefits Everyone

Written by ComplianceBridge Policies & Procedures Team on May 9, 2023

While some companies work diligently to create policies and procedures that bring positive change to an organization, and work to influence and compliment a robust work culture, other companies just print off an employee handbook they found online and call it a day. Don’t let that be you! 

Believe it or not – and you better believe it – policies and procedures are a crucial part of any organization. Besides providing structure and standardization for appropriate conduct in the workplace, they give employees guidance on key issues and ensure consistent and efficient operations. When you and your employees take the time to learn how to create policies and procedures, your organization will be positively impacted on every level. 

Impact on Employees

When you properly learn how to create policies and procedures, the first group affected will be your hardworking employees. Policy and procedure development will do the people in your employ a world of good, and foster a positive work culture within your organization. Having comprehensive policies and procedures promotes open communication in a workplace. When an existing company policy acknowledges a common workplace issue, this signals to employees that their employer is aware of the issue, and working to address it, as well as how the organization views and understands that issue. 

Having proper procedures and policies in place also sets clear guidelines for employee behavior. Common workplace policies and procedures outline expectations for a range of workplace issues, from addressing and reporting sexual harassment to making PTO requests correctly. 

Impact on Management

Learning how to create policies and procedures within your organization will also hugely benefit management and supervisors. By clearly outlining expectations and responsibilities, your company can further promote efficiency and productivity. Policies and procedures create a sense of legitimacy; for example, asking employees to show up on time has additional credibility when your organization has a documented attendance policy. 

Having a clearly defined set of policies and procedures also gives managers a means to assess employee performance. Are employees following established customer service guidelines, or correctly filling out provided activity logs? Having an easy-to-reference set of policies and procedures also gives management a greater sense of accountability, both for the employees they supervise and for themselves. 

Impact on Organization

Last, but certainly not least, developing policies and procedures for your organization will hugely benefit the organization itself. Besides providing a set of strictures for normal day-to-day operations and conduct that everyone in the company can reference, following company policies and procedures helps that company stay compliant with any relevant laws and regulations, which can help your business avoid a lot of trouble in the long run! 

Why Should You Know How to Create Your Own Policies and Procedures?

Effective and comprehensive policies and procedures are obviously important to a workplace, and help it run smoothly while managing questions and expectations for everyone in a workplace. And because all workplaces are different, it’s good for your organization to figure out the best set of guidelines for your situation. Policies and procedures aren’t always one-size-fits-all! Every company has its own processes and ways of doing things, and every company will have varying needs and concerns that policies and procedures are meant to address. 

For example, maybe the nature of your company requires a strict device policy to regulate which phones and computers can be on the premises. Or, on the flip side, maybe you actually want to encourage employees to use social media, rather than prohibit it. Because of their specificity, these types of policies are more bespoke, and will require more work from policy experts within your organization to get exactly right to suit the needs of your company. And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about; creating guidelines that are tailor-made to suit your company, and everyone who falls under its umbrella. When you know how to create policies and procedures, you’ll be able to empower your organization, your management, and your employees! 

Creating Policies & Procedures is Easier With ComplianceBridge

Knowing how to create policies and procedures will benefit your company tremendously, and having the right tools to aid you in that process will help you even more! Luckily, ComplianceBridge was created with every step of the policy procedure writing and review process in mind. Our platform offers customizable, easy-to-use tools that streamline all stages of review and approval.

Use features like collaborative policy creation, reusable policy templates, and automated workflows to create guidelines for your organization that align the goals and objectives of your business with all relevant laws and regulations. Use version management to ensure that everyone involved in policy and procedure creation and review are looking at the same, most relevant version of the document. Automated notifications keep everyone involved in the process continually in the loop and aware of any changes and updates. 

Once you’ve created the best procedures and policies for your company, publish and share them with one click! Post-approval, ComplianceBridge lets you track employee acknowledgement and create custom quizzes to test comprehension, so you can make sure policy rollout is as smooth as possible.

Reach out to the experts at ComplianceBridge today for a free demo, and learn how we can revolutionize your policy and procedure creation process!

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