Customer Success Stories: Saint Simon Parish School

Written by ComplianceBridge Policies & Procedures Team on July 29, 2014

Saint Simon Parish School, a private elementary and middle school in California.

The Challenge:
Need for 100% staff and parental document compliance.

The Solution:
Saint Simon Parish School chose ComplianceBridge ComplianceBridge™ because the system provides secure document management to select organizations, automatic reminders, emailing and texting notifications, creation of surveys, and more than 30 fields for management syncing with the existing student and staff information system, PowerSchool™.

ComplianceBridge ComplianceBridge met Saint Simon’s needs with the system’s ability to target documents to a select group or organization, revise last year’s documents to this year’s with minimal work, and debug issues that arise through the comprehensive activity log.

Saint Simon uses the questionnaire feature to survey parents with pre-seeded data from previous answers as well as requiring explanations based on their response.

The Results:
Saint Simon relies on the ComplianceBridge system to deliver all school and staff documents to the appropriate receivers and send out automated reminders without having to do the work of reminding parents and staff to get forms signed and returned.

Using ComplianceBridge to deliver all school start up forms, field trip permission forms, and activity questionnaires means no paperwork management, no lost forms, 100% document compliance by the due date, and quick tallying of results through ComplianceBridge reporting.

Using ComplianceBridge for about five years has resulted in a completely paperless office. From a compliance standpoint, Saint Simon has learned that there is no form they used to send home to parents that cannot be better delivered through ComplianceBridge .

They have also learned that it is more efficient to communicate their monthly OSHA documents to staff via ComplianceBridge , rather than trying to get 100% attendance at a “normal” meeting.

Benefits of choosing ComplianceBridge:

  • Extremely efficient office.
  • Parents and staff no longer complain about not seeing forms by the due date.
  • Issues and questions are always quickly resolved.
  • Enhancement requests are met with more consideration than other software vendors.

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